SharePoint Document Management and Intranets

Unlock the power of collaboration and efficiency

Transform your workplace with SharePoint Intranets and Document Management solutions. Streamline communication, centralize resources, and enhance document management to boost productivity and drive success. Experience seamless collaboration, secure data management, and simplified workflows, tailored to your unique needs

SharePoint Information Management Services

  1. SharePoint Site Development:

    • Creating and customising SharePoint sites tailored to the client's organisational structure and needs.
    • Designing site templates, layouts, and navigation structures.
  2. Document Management:

    • Implementing document libraries and version control to organise and manage documents effectively.
    • Setting up document approval workflows and metadata tagging for easy search and retrieval.
  3. Collaboration and Communication:

    • Configuring SharePoint for team collaboration, including discussion boards, calendars, and announcements.
    • Integrating SharePoint with Microsoft Teams, Outlook, and other communication tools.
  4. Business Process Automation:

    • Developing and automating business processes using SharePoint workflows and Power Automate (formerly Flow).
    • Streamlining approval processes, notifications, and task assignments.
  5. Intranet Development:

    • Designing and building corporate intranet portals to centralise information, news, and resources.
    • Creating personalised dashboards and landing pages for employees.
  6. User Training and Adoption:

    • Providing user training and onboarding sessions to help employees make the most of SharePoint.
    • Creating user guides and documentation for reference.
  7. Custom Development:

    • Building custom web parts, apps, and solutions using SharePoint Framework (SPFx) or other development tools.
    • Extending SharePoint's functionality to meet specific business requirements.
  8. Migration Services:

    • Planning and executing migrations from older SharePoint versions to the latest SharePoint Online or on-premises versions.
    • Ensuring data integrity and minimising downtime during migration.
  9. Document Migration:

    • Migrating documents and content from legacy systems or file shares to SharePoint.
    • Mapping file structures, permissions, and metadata to ensure a smooth transition.
  10. Security and Compliance:

    • Implementing security policies, access controls, and permissions to protect sensitive information.
    • Ensuring compliance with industry regulations and data governance standards.
  11. SharePoint Governance:

    • Establishing governance policies and best practices for maintaining a sustainable and organised SharePoint environment.
    • Creating governance plans and monitoring compliance.
  12. Search and Content Discovery:

    • Enhancing search capabilities to improve content discovery within SharePoint.
    • Configuring managed metadata and search refiners for accurate results.

These services cover a wide range of SharePoint consulting offerings, including document migration, allowing our clients to leverage SharePoint's capabilities for improved collaboration, document management, and business processes within their organisations.

Case Studies

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