Converting Excel Reports to Power BI: Common Power BI visuals and their Microsoft Excel equivalents

In the previous articles, we discussed a High Level Approach to Converting an Excel Spreadsheet to a PowerBI report and Issues You Might Face during this process. This article lists common Power BI visuals and their Excel equivalents.

Power BI Visual Excel Equivalent
Table Visual Table (Data Range)
Clustered Column Chart Column Chart
Clustered Bar Chart Bar Chart
Stacked Column Chart Stacked Column Chart
Stacked Bar Chart Stacked Bar Chart
Line Chart Line Chart
Area Chart Area Chart
Pie Chart Pie Chart
Doughnut Chart Doughnut Chart
Scatter Plot Scatter Plot
Bubble Chart Bubble Chart
Matrix Visual Pivot Table
Filled Map (with color coding) Heat Map
Card Visual (with single value) Gauge Chart
Bullet Chart Bullet Chart
Card Visual (small with trend) Sparkline
Slicers Slicers
Timeline Slicer Timeline
Data Bars (Conditional Formatting) Data Bars
Color Scales (Conditional Formatting) Color Scales
Icon Sets (Conditional Formatting) Icon Sets
Filled Map 3D Maps (Excel 3D Maps)
Treemap Treemap
Sunburst Chart Sunburst Chart
Waterfall Chart Waterfall Chart
Funnel Chart Funnel Chart
Pareto Chart Pareto Chart
Box and Whisker Plot Box and Whisker Plot
Histogram Histogram
Radar Chart Radial Chart
Surface Chart Surface Chart
Candlestick Chart Stock Chart

It's important to note that Power BI offers a wide range of visuals and features that may not have direct equivalents in Excel. Additionally, Power BI allows for more advanced data modeling, DAX calculations, and interactive features that can greatly enhance data analysis and reporting compared to Excel. When transitioning from Excel to Power BI, it's beneficial to explore and leverage these unique capabilities to create insightful and interactive reports and dashboards.

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Converting Excel Reports to Power BI: Examples of excel formulas and PowerBI (DAX) equivalents with examples


Converting Excel Reports to Power BI: Common issues you might face along with potential solutions