Requirements Prioritization and Cost Considerations in Quoting Process

The quoting process involves determining the cost estimates for a project or service based on client requirements. While quoting is an essential step in any business transaction, it can sometimes involve costs. This is because accurately assessing the cost of delivering a product or service requires a thorough understanding of the project scope, complexity, and specific client needs.

Quoting may incur costs due to several factors. Firstly, the process of analyzing client requirements and translating them into a detailed proposal demands a significant investment of time and expertise. Skilled professionals with in-depth knowledge of the industry and the project domain are required to assess the feasibility, resource requirements, and potential risks associated with the project. The expertise and time dedicated to this analysis contribute to the cost of quoting.

Soft skills play a crucial role in the quoting process. Effective communication and active listening skills are necessary to extract the client's needs and expectations accurately. Understanding the client's vision and objectives helps in crafting a comprehensive and competitive quote. Additionally, negotiation skills come into play during the quoting process to ensure a mutually beneficial agreement is reached.

A Practical Example

Take this transcript from a client introduction call.

Client: We've got branches in McCay, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, North Brisbane. We do work for infrastructure projects in the water treatment plants. We work in mining. We're doing work in PNG . So I think one of the documents or said today was one of the business and business units. So we've got five different business units and APAC which is Asia Pacific, so New Guinea and in the Asia Pacific, the mine division, mining and energy, infrastructure, and industrial. We've worked with them for workshops, we build electrical switchboards, and switch over into things like that. And then we've got the various offices as well.

Advisor: Thank you for providing the background information. It helps me understand your requirements better. Now, let's talk about the HSEQ (Health and Safety) advisor role. Currently, we have the HSEQ site, but we want to make it more interactive. We want to create a platform with quick links and interactive forms that can be accessed on devices like iPads and iPhones. The goal is to eliminate the manual process of filling out forms, scanning them, and sending them to supervisors. Instead, we want a system where employees can fill out forms on their phones, and they will be automatically routed to the relevant supervisors for review and registration. Have you implemented anything similar to this before?

Client: Yes, the majority of our staff are direct employees, and they have login accounts as part of the system. We have a small percentage of subcontractors who do not have company emails or accounts, but we would like them to have access to certain functionalities like pre-starts and observation forms.

Advisor: Understood. So you would like both employees and subcontractors to have access to the system, but with different levels of functionality. Regarding the system, did you want us to build the SharePoint platform and the form space from scratch, or do you already have an existing SharePoint setup that we can work with?

Client: We have a basic setup in place, but it needs significant improvements. When you tap on the HSC option, we want to see a screen that provides quick access to documents, registers, and links to relevant resources such as Workplace Health and Safety government sites and our association with the Masters Electrical Association. Additionally, we want to digitize a selected number of forms, around 12 to 15 commonly used ones, to streamline the process. Currently, employees fill out forms manually in the field, then bring them back to the office to be scanned and sent to administration. We want to eliminate this paper-based process and have the forms digitally submitted, reviewed, and registered in the system.

Advisor: I understand. You want to digitize the forms to simplify the process and ensure the evidence is properly recorded in the system. By doing so, you aim to reduce the time and effort required for administrative tasks. Can you provide an example of one of the forms you would like to digitize? This will help me better understand the specific requirements and improvements you are looking for.

Client: Sure, let's take the example of a vehicle and plant pre-start form. Currently, when the employees check a vehicle or a piece of electrical plant in the field, they fill out a paper form, which is later scanned and sent for review. We want this process to be streamlined, with the employees being able to complete the form digitally on their devices. Once submitted, the form should be automatically routed for supervisor review and then recorded in a register. We are open to different ways of achieving this automation.

Advisor: Thank you for the example. It provides a clear understanding of your expectations. Our goal will be to improve efficiency by automating the form submission and review process. We will work

on developing a user-friendly interface for accessing documents and registers, as well as integrating quick links to relevant resources. Additionally, we will focus on digitizing the selected forms to eliminate the need for manual paperwork. By doing so, we can ensure that the data is easily accessible, traceable, and securely recorded in the system.

Client: That sounds great. We are excited about the potential improvements this system can bring to our operations. Let's proceed with building the SharePoint platform and implementing the necessary functionalities.

Converting the Conversation into Requirements

User stories are concise, user-centric descriptions of a software feature or functionality from the perspective of the end user or customer. They capture the who, what, and why of a particular requirement, focusing on the value and benefit it brings to the user. User stories are typically used in Agile development methodologies, such as Scrum, to effectively communicate and prioritize software development tasks.

A user story typically follows the following format: "As a [role or user], I want [goal or functionality], so that [reason or benefit]."

User stories serve as a means of capturing product requirements in a simplified, understandable manner. They help facilitate collaboration between stakeholders, development teams, and product owners by providing a shared understanding of the desired outcomes.

User Stories

User Story 1:

As an employee, I want to access important documents and registers related to health and safety on the HSC platform so that I can easily find the information I need.

Acceptance Criteria:

- When I tap on the HSC option, a screen should display with quick links to documents, registers, and relevant resources.

- The documents and registers should be organized and user-friendly, making it easy for me to locate the required information.

- The quick links should include access to Workplace Health and Safety government sites and the Masters Electrical Association's website.

User Story 2:

As an employee, I want to be able to digitally submit pre-start forms for vehicles and plant checks so that I can streamline the process and eliminate paperwork.

Acceptance Criteria:

- I should be able to access the pre-start form on my device through the HSC platform.

- The form should be user-friendly and easy to fill, with all necessary fields clearly labelled.

- Once I submit the form, it should be automatically routed for supervisor review.

- The submitted form should be recorded in a register for future reference.

- The form should be securely stored and accessible only to authorized personnel.

User Story 3:

As a subcontractor, I want to have limited access to certain functionalities on the HSC platform so that I can participate in the digital process for pre-start and observation forms.

Acceptance Criteria:

- Subcontractors should have a separate login or access mechanism tailored to their role.

- Subcontractors should be able to access and fill out pre-start and observation forms, similar to employees.

- The functionality available to subcontractors should be limited to pre-start and observation forms, excluding access to sensitive documents and registers.

User Story 4:

As a supervisor, I want to review and approve the submitted forms on the HSC platform to ensure compliance and maintain proper records.

Acceptance Criteria:

- Supervisors should receive notifications or clearly view the submitted forms requiring their review.

- The forms should display all relevant details, including the employee/subcontractor information, date of submission, and any attachments.

- Supervisors should be able to review and provide their approval or feedback on the forms.

- Once approved, the forms should be recorded in the appropriate register, indicating the completion of the review process.

User Story 5:

As an administrator, I want to have control over user access and permissions on the HSC platform to ensure data security and maintain proper user management.

Acceptance Criteria:

- The administrator should be able to create, modify, and deactivate user accounts.

- User roles and permissions should be customizable, allowing the administrator to define access levels for employees and subcontractors.

- The administrator should be able to restrict access to sensitive documents and registers based on user roles.

- The platform should provide adequate security measures to protect user data and prevent unauthorized access.

Note: The acceptance criteria are high-level and may require further refinement and discussion with stakeholders during development.


To apply the MoSCoW prioritization technique to the user stories and determine the requirements for an MVP (Minimum Viable Product), we can use the following table:

User Story Must-Have Should-Have Could-Have Won't Have (at this stage)
User Story 1 ✔️
User Story 2 ✔️
User Story 3 ✔️
User Story 4 ✔️
User Story 5 ✔️

MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Definition:

For the MVP, we prioritize the "Must-Have" user stories, which are essential for the basic functionality of the HSC platform. These stories will form the core features of the initial release. The MVP will include:

  1. User Story 1: As an employee, I want to access important documents and registers related to health and safety on the HSC platform to find the information I need easily.

  2. User Story 2: As an employee, I want to be able to digitally submit pre-start forms for vehicles and plant checks so that I can streamline the process and eliminate paperwork.

  3. User Story 3: As a subcontractor, I want limited access to certain functionalities on the HSC platform so that I can participate in the digital process for pre-start and observation forms.

  4. User Story 4: As a supervisor, I want to review and approve the submitted forms on the HSC platform to ensure compliance and maintain proper records.

  5. User Story 5: As an administrator, I want to have control over user access and permissions on the HSC platform to ensure data security and maintain proper user management.

These user stories cover the essential functionality required for employees, subcontractors, supervisors, and administrators to perform their tasks within the HSC platform.

It's important to note that the "Should-Have," "Could-Have," and "Won't Have (at this stage)" user stories can be considered for future iterations or enhancements after the MVP is delivered.

So how can we estimate the cost?

The level of customization required in a project also impacts the cost of quoting. When clients have unique or specific requirements that deviate from standard offerings, additional time and effort are necessary to tailor the solution accordingly. Customization involves detailed discussions, analyzing technical feasibility, and adapting existing processes or systems. The more customized the solution, the more effort and resources it demands, making it potentially more expensive.

In conclusion, quoting involves analyzing client requirements, assessing project complexity, and providing cost estimates. Quoting may incur costs due to the investment of time, expertise, and soft skills required to understand client needs and negotiate terms accurately. Additionally, the level of customization required can impact the cost of quoting. By considering these factors, businesses can ensure transparency and provide clients with accurate and competitive quotes.


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